Polityka Rowerowa Miasta Żywiec 2030

Nowadays, when caring for the environment, healthy lifestyle and sustainable development become a key priorities of authorities at various levels, the role of cycling transport becomes increasingly important. The Cycling Policy of Żywiec City is targeted at creation of a friendly cycling environment, which will meet the expectations of both citizens and visitors. This document  not only supports, but also promotes cycling as a way of travelling, which has a beneficial effect on health and physical condition. At the same time, it makes possible to discover the charms of Żywiec in an ecological and close-to-nature way.
Cycling infrastructure and road safety
Within the framework of the Cycling Policy we are planning a number of measures for cycling infrastructure development.
The development of new cycling routes and the promotion of road safety are key elements of the plan. One of our priorities is to assume that every cyclist, regardless of age or skill level, will be able to enjoy their journey, confident that the roads in Zywiec are safe and suitable for their needs.
Consultation meeting announcement   
In order to present the details of the Cycling Policy of the Żywiec City until 2030 to the citizens as well as to representatives of the local government and the staff, consult on its content, we have planned a meeting to be held today, 25th of October 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in Żywiec City Town Hall .
We encourage all Żywiec citizens to participate in these meetings and actively engage in the development of cycling mobility in our beautiful city.


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